Curriculum/Material Title WRAP: Wellness Recovery Action Plan  
Publisher/Creator/Content Manager Created by Mary Ellen Copeland, published/managed by Advocates for Human Potential (AHP) 
Best suited for group or individual? Can be provided in a closed group or with individuals 
Proprietary/special facilitator training required? Yes, facilitator training required for groups 
Other Associated Cost Suggested manual/workbook for each participant, or at minimum folder/binder and dividers to organize material 
Description A WRAP is a plan for personal wellness totally written and designed by the client themselves

The Wellness Toolbox is a collection of activities and tasks that are helpful in the client staying well on a day-to-day basis

Each section of the WRAP builds off of previous sections, all draw from the Wellness Toolbox:
1. Daily Maintenance Plan
2. Stressors/Stressor Action Plan
3. Early Warning Signs/Action Plan
4. When Things are Breaking Down/Action Plan
5. Crisis Plan
6. Post-Crisis Plan

Crisis Plan is very comprehensive compared to most

In some states, WRAP Crisis Plan can be notarized and used as an advance directive

Client may want to share part (crisis plan) or all of the WRAP with natural supports and/or treatment providers

WRAP On The Go/Pocket WRAP (pamphlet) is an excellent tool for engagement and building interest in WRAP, but is not sufficient on its own for full credit on Formal WMR criteria for TMACT
