Curriculum/Material Title E-IMR: Enhanced Illness Management and Recovery  
Publisher/Creator/Content Manager The Center for Practice Transformation at the University of Minnesota 
Best suited for group or individual? Can be provided in a group setting or with individuals  
Proprietary/special facilitator training required? Proprietary, facilitator manual and training required  
Other Associated Cost  
Description Fully manualized with material broken into appropriately sized sessions

Similar to IMR/WMR, however includes more material related to substance use disorders

Utilize multiple skills and educational tools, well-marked throughout each topic

Some modules (i.e., Module 1) are required, others can be used or skipped depending on client need

11 Modules, multiple “topics” per module:
• Module 1: Recovery Strategies
• Module 2: Practical Facts About Mental Illness
• Module 3: Practical Facts About Substance Use Disorders
• Module 4: The Stress-Vulnerability Model
• Module 5: Coping with Stress
• Module 6: Building Social Support
• Module 7: Using Medication Effectively
• Module 8: Coping with Problems and Symptoms
• Module 9: Healthy Lifestyles
• Module 10: Developing a Plan for Staying Well
• Module 11: Getting Your Needs Met in the Healthcare System
