Curriculum/Material Title Wellness in Eight Dimensions 
Publisher/Creator/Content Manager By Peggy Swarbrick & Jay Yudof 
Best suited for group or individual? Individual 
Proprietary/special facilitator training required? Free to reproduce/distribute, Special training not required 
Other Associated Cost None 
Description Very brief, very accessible

Examines each of the eight dimensions of wellness through the following:
• Strengths
• Current Status
• Desires/Goals
• Needed support for those goals

Concludes with Wellness Daily Plan and tracking sheet
• Tracking sheet could be easily duplicated/adapted for longer term use

There isn’t much material preceding the exercises, so may lead to shorter sessions
• Use for group sessions would likely require significant supplementation of material
• Same may be true of individual sessions, depending on the talkativeness of the participant
• Starting point in both cases would be more material dealing with the definition/application of each dimension

Insufficient to fully meet criteria of formal WMR for TMACT
• Would be good as introduction to wellness and for building engagement
• Could be used as framework for larger intervention
