Curriculum/Material Title | WHAM: Whole Health Action Management |
Publisher/Creator/Content Manager | Originally published by SAMHSA, training now appears to be managed by the National Council for Mental Wellbeing |
Best suited for group or individual? | Groups |
Proprietary/special facilitator training required? | Facilitator training is recommended/required |
Other Associated Cost | Some small costs for certain group activities |
Description | Major focus on physical health as it relates to mental health, as well as holistic concept of wellness Structured in 10 session curriculum, provided in two days: Session 1: Welcome and Overview Sessions 2-6: Person-Centered Planning Process in 10 Whole • Health and Resiliency Factors • Stress Management • Healthy Eating • Physical Activity • Restful Sleep • Service to Others • Support Network • Optimism Based on Positive Expectations • Cognitive Skills to Avoid Negative Thinking • Spiritual Beliefs and Practices • A Sense of Meaning and Purpose Session 7: Health Risk, Screening, and Shared Decision Making Sessions 8-10: 5 Keys to Success Followed by minimum 8 weeks of peer support groups and one on one peer support Involves each person setting a whole health goal, which is then followed up on in the weekly group. Facilitators encouraged to participate One on one peer support involves weekly contact between two individuals, with those pairs being selected at the weekly group. Contact is made several days after group to discuss progress toward that week’s goals Each group begins with “relaxation response” exercise, followed by a consistently structured (in the manual) group check in and problem solving. |
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